
Christmas Trees
In hanging things on the Christmas tree you have to be carefu...

Holly Wreath Or Snow Ball
Make several snowballs from crepe paper or white cotton. Hang...

My House, Your House.
Attach a string to the end of a small stick. At the end of...

The Flag Of The Free
With water colors or crayons sketch the American flag on whit...

A game played with wooden balls and mallets, on a flat piece ...

Blindman's Buff
Before beginning to play, the middle of the room should be cl...

Tub Racing
These races are often held in shallow lakes. Each contestant ...

Ring Around A Rosy
The children take hold of hands and form a circle; except one...

SCHOOLROOM GAMES For Intermediate Pupils

Spin Around Race
A boy is selected from each aisle to take his place at least six feet in front of the aisle. Upon the signal to go, the last boy in each aisle runs forward to the right of his desk and links his left arm in the rig...

Initial Tag
A pupil who is "It" is sent to the board. He writes thereupon the initial of some other pupil in the room. That pupil is to try to tag "It" before he can return to his seat. If successful, he becomes "It" and conti...

Magic Music
One pupil is sent from the room. Thereupon the remaining pupils hide some object agreed upon. The pupil sent from the room is recalled. The teacher or one of the pupils plays the piano loudly when the seeker approa...

Hunt the Rattler
All of the players in the room are blindfolded, except one, who is given a tin can in which is placed a loose pebble. He is known as the "rattler." The blindfolded players attempt to locate and tag the rattler by t...

The pupils stand in a circle in the center of which is "It" blindfolded, holding in his hand a blunt stick about 12 or 15 inches long. Those in the circle dance around two or three times, so that the blindfolded pl...

Name Race
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. A slip is handed to the one in the first seat in each row. At the signal to go, he writes his full name thereupon and passes it immediately to the one next behind him, wh...

Frogs in Sea
One pupil sits in tailor fashion in the center of the playing space. The others try to tease him by approaching as closely as they dare, calling him "Frog in the sea, Can't catch me." If the frog succeeds in taggin...

Corner Spry
The pupils in the room are divided into four equal teams. Each team is assigned to a different corner. A leader stands in front of each team with a bean bag, cap, or ball. At the signal to start the leader tosses t...

Flag Race
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. Flags are given to the pupils in each front seat. On the signal to go, each pupil holding a flag steps out on the right hand side of the seat, runs around the front of hi...

Seat Vaulting Tag
A pupil is selected to be "It." He attempts to tag any other pupil in the same aisle in which he stands. The pupils avoid being tagged by vaulting over the seats. No one is allowed to run around either end. "It" ca...

Jerusalem Jericho Jemima
This is a simple game of attention. The three words in the title are near enough alike to require close attention on the part of the pupil to distinguish between them and to act accordingly. Have the pupils turn in...

An attention game. The pupils stand in the aisle beside their seats. In starting the game, the teacher asks them to face to the north, then to the south, then to the east, and to the west, so that they have the dir...

The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. Those in the front seats are Number 1, those next behind them, Number 2, and so on back. The teacher calls some number. The pupils having that number race to the board an...

Spelling Words
Have the pupils in aisle 1 face those in aisle 2, those in aisle 3 face 4, those in aisle 5 face 6. Appoint a captain for each aisle. The captain of one team starts spelling a word containing more than three letter...

This game stimulates quick thinking. Some one is selected by the teacher to start the game, and thereupon gives some word to which the first pupil in the aisle must give a rhyming word before the former can count t...

Clapping Song
A pupil is selected by the teacher to clap the rhythm of some familiar air. The rest of the children in the room endeavor to guess the song clapped. The pupil succeeding in doing this is given an opportunity to cla...

Indian Trail
A pupil is blindfolded and placed in the front of the room. Other pupils, one or two at a time, are given the opportunity to stealthily approach the one blindfolded, in an endeavor to take some object, from before ...

Number Relay
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. They are numbered, beginning with the one in the first seat. The teacher describes some mathematical problem she desires done and calls certain numbers. All the pupils ha...

Multiplication Race
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. The teacher decides on a multiplication table which is to be placed upon the board. A piece of chalk is handed to the first pupil in each aisle. At the signal to go Numbe...

History Race
Similar to the preceding, with the exception that the pupils are requested to write upon the board the name of some historical personage or some historical event, date, etc. ...

Poem Race
The pupils having learned some poem may use it in a game in the following way: The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. At the signal to go the last pupil in each aisle stands up and recites the first line of ...

Last Man
This is a good active game thoroughly enjoyed by the children. The teacher selects one pupil to be "It," and another to be chased. The one chased can stand at the rear of any aisle and say, "Last man." Thereupon th...

Change Seats
This is a good relaxation game. The teacher says, "Change seats left." Thereupon all the pupils shift to the seats to their left. The children who are in the last aisle on the left must run around the room and occu...